

It's our very first birthday! We've been creating beautiful little hats for a year now and I am pleasantly pleased with all of you wonderful followers & the beautiful fans we have over at Love, Hadleigh Designs Fan Page. You all have been completely amazing and super duper!

We've actually passed our actual first birthday because to be honest...I forgot about it back in the hustle and bustle of January. I know I'm a horrible person right?

I am here today to make it up to you =)...."how" you may ask?

Well I will be giving away a hat tomorrow and having a sale the rest of the week. SO...get over to LHD and join in the fun! =) 

Say happy birthday and have a cupcake (you might have to make your own!)

On this day I do want to stop and say thank you...for making this all possible. Without my followers and fans I wouldn't be in business today. Sharing my joy with you and it really just warms my heart to think how lucky I am to have all of you! =)

Maybe if I'm feeling up to it on Friday we'll have a game night...just because I literally have such a BLAST playing with all of you! So lucky me and lucky you!!

So here's to the past amazing year of Love, Hadleigh Designs and to a year getting to know so many of you!!
